Sunday, 31 October 2010

21 July 2010 - Cornwall

A much nicer day today, first stop was St. Michaels Mount. When its low tide you can walk across to the island, as you can see though, the tide was in so we took the boat.

After a pretty steep walk up the hill, you turn and this is the view back to the mainland.

One of the rooms.

Outside on the roof.

Looking down at the gardens.

Couple of boats heading back to the mainland.

A couple of large boulders were falling down, luckily Amber managed to hold them up for a wee while.

Interesting building in Marazion.

After a spot of lunch in Marazion we drove to a nearby beach and relaxed for the afternoon.

And at night, we found another beach to walk along.

20 July 2010 - Cornwall

Today was a very, very wet day. And we spent most of it in St. Ives, which unfortunately for the two pics below looks much nicer in the sunshine.

We wandered over to the Tate, outside on the beach there seemed to be some sort of surfing competition going on.

Back street in St. Ives.

And another.

19 July 2010 - Cornwall

Todays tour took us to Padstow. We parked in the park and ride outside of town then got the bus down, this interesting looking shop greets you just as you wander into town.

First cream tea of the day was partaken of in this establishment.

Looked like the navy were in town.

Interesting doer-upper on the waterfront.

This is Steins patisserie, they do a mean Cornish pasty - and pretty good cakes too.

Next stop Rock. Seeing as its one of the most expensive places in Cornwall I cant quite see what the fuss is about.

18 July 2010 - Cornwall

Today we drove to the coast, out to sea you can see St. Michaels Mount.

Next stop was the Lizard, one of the southerlymost points of the UK.

While we were walking down to Lizard Point, we saw this gorilla in a garden - I need one at the cottage.

I could also do with one of these giant birds.

Come the evening we headed to Trevaskis Farm for a HUGE meal. In a vain attempt to walk off some of the calories we'd just eaten we wandered through the fields and en route said hello to the pigs.

And to the furry sheep.