Woke up sharp on Sunday with a full day planned before we made the trip back south and home. This is the view from our room, across the rooftops of Aberdeen.

When Andrew was a young lad he often went to Albury Outdoor Sports Centre for a game of putting with his dad. He wanted to see if he still had that winning Tiger Woods touch! Here he is lining up for another terrific shot as Amber casually poses watching his technique.

I have to mention in the blog that Andrew won the game of putting. He's only mentioned it about a dozen times since we've been back home. (Won? I absolutely smooshed them. I am the King of Putting).
Then on to Duthie Park where there is a commemorative chair for Andrew's dad in the winter gardens. As we parked up there was a surprise ... kayaking in the park!! Andrew remembered years ago they had rowing boats but they stopped it, no doubt due to health and safety concerns. It didn't take much to persuade Andrew and Amber that a quick jaunt in a kayak would be a good idea. That's them in the red boat.

Andrew became the first casualty of the day. No he didn't fall out the boat! He got stung by a wasp on his finger. It was only a wasp sting but Andrew would have you believe it was the largest bee he'd ever seen in Scotland! Have a look at the sting and judge for yourself.....

Amber's favourite pond inside the greenhouses is the pool where the big plastic frog surfaces at regular intervals.

And I see they have added a new Loch Ness monster lookalike in another pond. oooooooo feel scared.............!!!!!!!

Time was marching on and we had a long drive back home. But we had time to take a few photos of Stonehaven. Ahhh..... memories of our first family caravan holiday there!!

Absolutely stunning eh? The only negative is to get to the beach you have to walk through the Nature Reserve area. Now that sounds pleasant enough...... but wow the smell of dog poo is horrendous. Obviously a popular area for dog walkers. Once you hit the beach the sea air takes over though, thankfully.

Amber is a keen collector of branches. She excelled this time though after spotting half a tree on the beach.

Back to the car to complete our journey home but not before we say hello to the highland cows!

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